Latest Episodes
Episode 86: Body-Mind Centering with Jeanne Feeney
On today's show, I talk with Jeanne Feeney about movement, especially during the postpartum period, when the primary objective seems to be survival itself....
Episode 85: 8 Dates with Dr. David Clarke, MD
A true love story is not a fairy tale. For Realz. It takes vulnerability and effort to be in a relationship. And what if...
Episode 84: Benefits Beyond the Mat with Daisy Thayer
On today's show, we are talking about yoga with Daisy Thayer! According to the National Institutes of Health, there is scientific evidence that shows...
Episode 83: Boundaries Before the Holidays with Denise Correll
While many of us would like to imagine the holidays to be idyllic, the reality is that sometimes it's not. The holidays can be...
Episode 82: MomTalk with Oriana Gliessman and Carla Roa
It's that kind of episode today! Just talking about the things that we do understand and the things that we don't, the love and...
Episode 81: Humans Changing Food with Jonathan Miller
We’ve got a great show today, as Jonathan Miller is back, to talk about how humans have changed our food. Processed food isn't a...