In this life's journey, you are your own driver! Get in the driver's seat!
Is there an aspect of your life where you feel like it's time to take charge? If we don't advocate for ourselves, who honestly will? On this week's episode, my friends Carla Roa and Kim Rodriguez join me to discuss what it means to "be the boss of you." It begins with understanding the priorities that define you. Deep commitment to your personal goals can drive you to break through limited beliefs, to act on your own behalf. When you take charge of your life, you can make the positive life changes you have been dreaming about. Being you is super important.
“It’s a wise person who rules the stars, a fool who is ruled by them”, -Martinie. Today we’re talking about Astrology with Jenifer Edwards! ...
This week, we have Kimberly Clark Sharp on the show, to talk about near-death experiences. Near-death experiences occur when one is briefly dead or...
We live in a youth-obsessed society, that tells us our value declines as we get older. Simply being alive implies growing older, but after...