I agree with Dr. Rakesh Jotwani: Food is medicine. Movement is medicine. Breath is medicine. Sleep is medicine. Love is medicine.
Today Dr. Jotwani (aka Dr. Rak) talks with us about the powerful changes that we all can make to our own bodies, which has the potential to be curative, as it can prevent and reverse the overwhelming chronic disease that exists in the world. We live in a world where hypertension, obesity, high cholesterol, and diabetes are not shocking news, and in fact they are only the beginning. In my opinion, preventable disease should always be shocking, because ultimately, we don’t have to go there. There is SO much that we can do about it, I really mean it. It’s hard, but we can all take control of our lives, with persistence and the right guidance.
I realize this may be a tough topic right before the holidays, but before we ever commit to doing something, it’s good to plant that seed in our head, ponder the thought, and see if takes root when we are actually ready to commit. This is called Fighting For Our Lives, and not just seeking medication when we suddenly find ourselves host to a chronic disease. This is not a diet -- it’s a Lifestyle. Healthy living. It's each of us choosing to live and choosing what we bring into our lives.
Dr. Rak sees patients remotely, and you can check out his website at rakyourlife.org.
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